The department of Biochemistry of the Institute is involved in many faceted activities. Apart from routine clinical sample analysis on the round the clock basis, this department is engaged in teaching and research work. Presently, the department is equipped with state of the art analyzers, Roche Integra 400 Plus and cobas e411(chemiluminiscent immunoassay) enabling testing of about 100 assays including very special tests like lactate, ammonia, sweat, chloride etc. HPLC screening of haemoglobinopathies was made possible by kind donation of Bio-Rad D10 analyzer by the Cognizant Technologies group and this has supported the thalassemia clinic in identification and treatment of thalassemias. Earlier research schemes of ICMR and John Hopkins University were carried out under the guidance of eminent Biochemist Prof. K L Mukherjee. More than seventeen scholars have obtained their Ph. D. in various fields after conducting research in this department. Special researches were carried out in embryology. The department participates in many external proficiency programmes for robust quality assurance.